When does the app show

This article shows when the widget created in Quantity discounts or the funnel created in Up-Sell and Cross-Sell displays on storefront.

Varun Shinde

Last Update há 3 anos

1. Quantity Discounts

In this, the widget is displayed on storefront based on following steps: 

  • Check whether there exists an enabled tiered offer or create a tiered offer also check if Discount App is enabled.
  • Check if your widget design is saved.
  • Check whether the widget selection is selected
  • Finally the widget is displayed according to your selected designs

2. Up-Sell & Cross-Sell

In this, the funnel is displayed on storefront based on following steps: 

  • Check whether there exists an enabled funnel or create a funnel also check if Upsell App is enabled.
  • Check if your widget design is saved.
  • Finally, the widget is displayed according to your selected designs, if your funnel has a placement on the product page the funnel will show up once the user adds the product in the cart, in Cart page and the Thankyou page the funnel is displayed automatically.

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